Train on the Trestle

Sometimes capturing a great or interesting image comes down to timing - being at the right place at the right time. Sometimes it happens the first time you visit a location, but usually it requires many trips back, and sometimes it just never comes together.

Last evening I went to my semi-secret place to shoot the sunset, and while the early evening sky looked promising with plenty of cumulus clouds, they all but disappeared when the sun set.

The evening was not lost; however, when a fast-moving freight train appeared suddenly from the east. There were four teenage boys crossing the bridge at the time and they had to hustle. Fortunately, they had time to run to the end and get off. It reminded me of a very similay scene in the movie Stand by Me.

It gave me a chance to play with the exposure time to create these images. Normally we want our images to be as sharp as possible, but sometimes some blur helps tell the story.

Unfortunately, it does not always end well. Almost exactly 8 years ago, and man was stuck and killed by a train on the trestle.

Train 10.jpg
Train 12.jpg
Train 11.jpg