Niagara Falls

Spent Saturday in Niagara Falls; something I have wanted to photograph for a while. Niagara Falls is, as they say, a target-rich environment.  It really is a spectacular site, no matter how many times you’ve seen it. Seems no matter where you turn, there is an amazing scene worth capturing, and A fireworks show is a bonus.

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The tall buildings and the clouds behind the of the America Falls were lit bright by the setting sun.

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The fireworks show started suddenly, and I had to make quick adjustments to my camera settings.  I was fortunate because from where I was located, the fireworks complemented the American Falls and did not interfere with it. Sometines you’re just lucky.

It was very busy, which made capturing the images more challenging. But if you have patience and are willing to put up with the crowds, eventually you get the shot you want.

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The final photo was taken where the viewing area is immediatley adjacent to the edge of Horseshoe Falls. It was about 11:00 pm and dark, and the blue spotlights created an image that looks almost surreal. From this vantage point, you get a sense of just how much water goes over the edge every second - over 1,834 cubic metres per second. Niagara Falls is the world’s most famous attracting over 12 million visitors every year. 

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