Lightning Over Kempenfelt Barrie, Barrie

Last night’s lightning storm over Barrie was the most active one I can remember. I spent a good hour and a half photographing a countless number of lightning strikes and flashes.

Of all the photos I took, this is my favorite. It was not created by AI. It is not a composite of several photos put together. It is a single shot.

It is my favorite for several reasons. There are the web-like branches of lightning bolting across the sky. There are the two strikes, the left one hitting the lake and reflecting in the water. The foreground is interesting, but simple and not a distraction.

The various shades of blue in the sky and in the water provide a commonality separated by a darker shoreline that appears to fade to the left providing scale and context.

I am often asked how I get images like this one. The answer is not that I was lucky, although luck played some part, but that several things came together to make the shot possible.

I use a technique that helps with the odds. In addition, hitting the correct exposure and a great composition can make a good lightning photo into a great one.