Toronto Streetcars

Toronto is know for its streetcars.  They are numerous, large and colourful, which make for stunning images when photographed in motion.

The first photograph was taken from the northwest corner of the King and Bay intersection. When I arrived at the location, no one was stopping to take a photo.  However, once my equipment was set up at least 20 people pulled out their smart phones to take a picture of the CN Tower visible between the buildings.  I suspect they never noticed the tower until they looked to see why I had set up my camera.

Although the CN Tower adds to the picture by adding context, the real reason I was there was to capture the bright red and white streetcar in motion against the dark backdrop of the buildings. I kept the exposure time short at one second so as not to completely blur the seats and people inside.  It was shot at f11, ISO-100, 0.7 exposure compensation, and at a focal length of 45mm.

The exposure of the second image was timed to allow the building and the two lit trees to be partially visible behind the streetcar. I used an exposure time of 4 seconds, two of which occurred after the streetcar had passed out of view. Two seconds was enough time to partially expose the building and trees  and give the appearance that were visible through the streetcar. All three images were captured in-camera and were not photoshopped. 

Streetcar 6.jpg
Streetcar 10.jpg
Streetcar 8.jpg